City of York Council Task and Finish Group Proposal 14 May 2024 -Cllr Steward

Recycling, Reusing and Reducing (including composting)

Members: to be agreed  


1.           Summary and Rationale

As the name suggests the rationale is to try and make better use of resources across the city to improve the environment and help people with the cost of living.


2.           Aims and Objectives

The review is seeking a Task and Finish group which would work like the Dial&Ride, in that it would be very light in officer time but would have a group of members meeting and reaching out to relevant people/groups for their ideas. I believe there would be many such willing people/groups who would want to engage (and am sure we all can think of them) and it would be us saying ‘we CYC want to recycle, reuse….etc more and want your ideas’, this would be much easier for people to get involved in than waiting for a report on a particular issue going to Exec to try and jump on some part.


I could give dozens of examples of things that the Task Group may look at, based on the above two principles, but it could be anything from guides to composting and providing cheap / free compost bins to supporting a bike repair facility share expertise.


3.           Methods

It would all be about reaching out to people whether the public, other LAs, companies, environmental organisations and getting best practice. Zoom and surveys (mainly online, but physically in libraries etc) would be big parts. 


4.           Impact on Resources

·        Officers who will need to be consulted

To be decided by the committee



·        Cost implications

No costs of note, the report will be driven by the willingly given time of members and willing member of the public.


·        External support/expertise

See how it goes, unlikely to be any at cost.


·        Resources implications

Not likely (if there were could probably be funded by a grant / environmental business sponsorship)


·        Timeliness of the review

No, this is the start of a general look, there is nothing I know of specific that it would fit into.


·        Public Interest

Hopefully it will interest people, it will not cause controversy.


5.           Proposed Timescale

·        The tasks outlined above will be completed by November 2024

·        An update report will be completed by September 2024 and shared for review and as appropriate.

·        The report will be considered at the meeting of Economy & Place to be agreed. The publication date for papers for this meeting is to follow.